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A Breastfeeding FAQ Facebook Live Event: Healthy Sleep Habits and Breastfeeding with guest, Brittany

Brittany Danza, Certified Lactation Councelor, will be joining me to chat about all things baby sleep and how it relates to your breastfeeding journey.

It is often said that it is common for breastfed babies to not sleep through the night for a long period of time. And while frequent feedings are very important in the beginning weeks, you CAN have a baby who sleeps through the night and breastfeed, successfully! Establishing healthy sleep habits from early on and breastfeeding are not mutually exclusive!

Can my breastfed baby sleep through the night? Should I be waking baby to breastfeed at certain time intervals? When can I stop doing this? Should I pump at night? Where should my baby sleep? Should I try to soothe baby without breastfeeding if he/she wakes up?

We will be discussing the physiological needs of both mom and baby to establish and maintain milk supply, daytime and nighttime routines that support healthy sleep habits, what sleeping through the night looks like, and some of the most common misconceptions around infant sleep as it relates to breastfeeding.

Join us on the Welcome Home Baby Facebook page where Brittany and I will be LIVE on 11/17 and 6:00pm PST. In the mean time, as we prepare, please post any question you have here and we will be sure to address them!!!

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