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Infant Swimming Resource

Its summer! Its time to relax by the pool and enjoy the sunshine! Its also time for a reminder about water safety. Drowning is the number one cause of accidental death in children between the ages of 1-4. Drowning can be silent and it only takes a moment for a newly mobile toddler to slip under water unnoticed.

As an NCS, life saving swimming skills are something I discuss with parents from very early on. Swimming is a life saving skill and it is never too early to get your little one in the pool!

Generally speaking, if your child is crawling, she is ready to learn to rollover into a floating position, resting safely until help arrives. Similarly, if your little guy is walking, he's ready to learn the full swim-float-swim sequence! Yes, your baby can learn to swim!

When a child reaches the water alone, the difference between "tragedy" and "miracle" is a matter of inches and seconds...face down or face up. Life saving swim schools, specifically ISR, give children as young as 6 months old the skills they would need to save themselves if the need were to arise as well as give them the foundation for swim skills that will follow them into the future.

Visit to find an ISR instructor near you.

Photo: Infant Swimming Resource

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