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Did you know that nearly 72% of all car seats are used incorrectly?

Did you know that nearly 72% of all car seats are used incorrectly? Here are a few safety tips you can implement right away!

-In rear facing car seats, harness straps should come from at or just below baby’s shoulders. In forward facing car seats (after a minimum or 2 years or the limits of your seat), harness straps will come from at or just above shoulders.

-Harness straps should be “snug as a hug”. If you can pinch them, they’re too loose.

-The chest clip should be at armpit level.

-Check your car seat’s expiration date and never use a used car seat from an unknown source. The integrity of the plastic diminishes over time and seats that have been in an accident, even a minor one, may no longer be safe even if you can’t see any damage.

-Remove baby’s coat or bulky clothing before putting baby in car seat. If baby is cold, lay a blanket over baby’s lap on top of the straps.

Need assistance insuring that your car seat is installed correctly? You may have heard “visit your local fire station” to have your car seat installed, but this is often a myth. Not all fire stations have a certified CPST! Find a CPST in your area by visiting!


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